
Pick your Pain
Parenting is one of life’s greatest joys—and greatest challenges! One of the more daunting challenges that parents face is, “How am I going to talk to my children about the birds and the bees? Where do I start? What do I say? What age is the best? Do I really have to do this?” For most parents getting started is the hardest part of talking to their children about sex....

By God's Design
Whether you are explaining birth, reproduction, or conception, I have found the easiest way begin a response to young children’s questions is with these 3 words: ”By God’s design...” Letting these words lead the way allows you and your child to enter into the WONDERof it all! “By God’s design, a baby has a special place to grow called the uterus.” “By God’s design, this is how the baby leaves...

Almost every time I speak to parents, they ask me “When is the best time to tell my children about sex?”. Parents who are conscientious want to get this right. They don’t want to tell their children too early, and they don’t want to be too late. Here is the problem with that question….it doesn’t take into account the fact that children who are the very same age may live under...
Keep It Simple
Is there anything more intimidating in the world of parenting than the idea of talking to your children about sex? When do I talk to them? What do I say? Are they ready? Am I ready? In my conversations with parents about this topic, I like to remind them to keep it simple: basic biology and your values. Start there. The biology remains the same from family to family, but...